Friday, September 11, 2009

So, here it is. My first Blog entry (what a wretched word: blog. I feel like I should be watching my step). I know why most people have them. To share their life experiences with friends and family, to have some place where they can journal their lives. This, well, this is not that kind of outlet. No, I am not one to be content with what everybody else is doing. I don't need a small space on the computer to tell the World that one of my children has finally stopped wetting the bed. No, I need my own little world. This will be my place to share what I love, my joys, what I'm thinking, my disappointments and my heartaches.


  1. I found you with the "next blog" button. You captured my attention with the Halloween decor, mostly the black and white plates on the wall actually. I got chills when I read about the "almost accident" as we have all had those horrible close calls. I'm not sure from your intro post if you want comments/followers or not. I'm new at this too, 2 blogs in the past month. I'm just starting to figure things out.


  2. I need one of these too. Life is not as rosie as I feel like my loved ones want it to be. All I have are complaints and bitterness. Notice no comments on my facebook? Very few blogs. Few happy memories.
